True or False? Smile when you answer the telephone and speak clearly. True! Smile when you answer the telephone. Listen carefully, cultivate a pleasant speaking tone, speak clearly, and above all, think before you speak.
True or False? Elbows may rest on the table between courses if no food is at your place. True! It is acceptable to rest your elbows on the table as long as there is no food in front of you.
True or False? When addressing an envelope, the return address is always at the top left corner on the front of the envelope. True! The return address is always at the top left corner on the front of the envelope.
True or False? If your napkin falls onto the floor, pick it up and put it back in your lap. False! If your napkin falls onto the floor, ask the waiter for another one.
True or False? When introducing an older person to a younger person, say the younger person’s name first? False! When introducing an older person to a younger person, the older person’s name is spoken first. (e.g.., “Ms. Clark, I would like you to meet my friend, Tara. Tara, this is Ms. Clark.”)
True or False? If six people or less are at a table, it is acceptable to start eating before everyone is served. False! If six people or less are at a table, wait until everyone is served before starting to eat.
True or False? Always pass food to the right the first time around. True! Food is always passed to the right the first time around. Once the meal has begun, pass in whichever direction is most expedient.
True or False? Salt and pepper may be passed separately. False! Salt and pepper are always passes together. They are married.
True or False? When meeting a person for the first time, it is a good idea to stand up and make eye contact. True! Out of respect to another person, always stand up when introduced, shake hands, and make eye contact.
True or False? The proper way to eat a roll is to cut it in half, butter that half and eat in appropriate-sized bites. False! Bread and rolls are broken, never cut. Each piece is buttered as it is eaten. Place your roll on your bread plate, located on the left, resting above the forks.